
Thursday, May 18, 2006

"The Glob"

Our upstairs bathroom sink has been draining slowly, if you filled the sink up and came back an hour and a half later, the water level had only gone down a millimeter. (for those not into the metric system, that means it was DANG slow!). Last night I couldn't sleep, so I got up to come down and play on the computer but Bob was on the computer so I wandered around, pondering, "what to do?" "what to do?". You know how when you can't sleep, you think of strange things? Well, I thought "Let's clean out the sink drain!" I went back up with my plumber's tools (a box of baking soda and my decanter of salad vinegar.) I tried this method to no avail, now I had vinegar and baking soda that wouldn't go down. So I got out the plunger and proceeded to plunge until Bob came up to remind me that people were sleeping on the other side of the wall. Well, not EXACTLY on the other side because that would be their bathroom too and they should not be sleeping in their bathroom! If they sleep in their bathroom they deserve whatever they hear. But I had to agree with him, it did sound like an elephant throwing up. I have never personally experienced an elephant throwing up but one can imagine. So I waited until morning and after Bob left, I went into the bathroom and continued plunging. WELL, I've got to tell you, something came up out of the drain you wouldn't believe! There was alot of hair and I'm sure some teeth! I got it on a paper towel and I was thinking about drying it out and putting it in a plastic bag (gallon size) so I could show people because I was sure no one would believe me! But instead I just put it in the garbage.
after all there are only so many people you can say, "Look what I got out of my drain!" to.
I hope I don't get a call from Waste Management about the proper disposal of a "thing" of this magnitude. It probably requires burial. I thought there might be a book in this experience, don't laugh, they made a movie in 1958 called "The Blob" I should be able to cash in on this!

P.S. I hope no one read this before breakfast!


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