
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why do some people think they have one-way glass in their windows? If you can see out, I can see IN!!
I'm talking about people who pile stuff in front of windows like people outside can't see all their "stuff". Another of my favorites is a big TV right in front of a nice picture window so everybody that drives by gets treated to a charming view of the BACK of their TV.
Back when Bob and I would go for aimless drives, my job was to critique all the houses because....well, that's what I do. I was always amazed at how many windows had curtains all askew or odd things sitting there for all the world to see, and don't even get me started about people that pick their noses at red lights! I don't know what got me started on this subject, sometimes something comes in my head and I have no choice but to let it out!!


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