
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thursday already!

I am taking my friend, Pat to get a temporary, she says a permanent, but we know they are not PERMANENT! I have taken her a couple of times before so I know they are only temporary!
Tomorrow I have to take granddaughter, Sarah to get braces, they are also temporary. Almost everything is temporary, the only thing permanent is death. Is the recent gas hike temporary?
It is going to go so high that when it comes down we will be relieved, when it is still higher than it should be. Here goes an old person reminiscing about the times I went to the gas station with a dollar bill and got three gallons of gas AND they pumped it for you AND washed your windows AND asked if you wanted your oil checked. But I wouldn't want to go back to the old days, I would have to give up my Computer and DVD player, cell phone and a gazillion other things too numerous to mention and for heaven's sake MY BLOG!
Bob went to the DR. yesterday, he's down to 185. He exercises and walks every morning and has now got to RUNNING! (especially when a little beagle follows him.)


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