I'm finally back! I was watching Oprah today and she is having a whole week of
"Debt Diet", she has professional debt counselors talking to couples that are hoplessly in debt. Well, anyhoo, there was this one woman who gave her teen-age daughters EVERYTHING even though they could not afford it. The husband said the girls did nothing to earn it, didn't clean their rooms, didn't do dishes, nothing!
The mother said, no matter what, she wasn't going to have the girls "suffer"!
She is so lucky she was talking to Oprah instead of me, I don't think I could have held back from going postal on her. "SUFFER"? Not having $100 jeans, all the latest styles is "Suffering"? Evidently this woman hasn't heard of kids going to bed hungry, going without medical care, etc....etc....She AND her daughters should have to endure just 24 hours of real suffering. Don't you wonder sometimes what world some people live in?
We had a nice week-end, I had 3 ladies over to eat on our patio Saturday night and then we went to the pool. Sunday we went to visit the new grandson and Bob's parents. When we got home we watched "Napoleon Dynamite" . If you have any living brain cells, you may want to skip this one. We did laugh a lot but it was sooo silly! Keep checking back, I'll try to keep up, I want to get back to the food series.
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