Margarine vs Oleo

Long ago and far away in a land ruled by a harsh king, a meeting was held, many knights and the court jester were in attendence. The king stood in his royal robes and announced "My kingdom can no longer afford butter but the Queen and I DO NOT want our morning toast to be dry! Any one who can come up with a solution will be in my good graces and if you do not you will be beheaded!"
They all left and went to the local alchemists and said, "Please help us, we will be beheaded if the king has to eat dry toast!" The alchemist replied, "Not to worry, while trying to make gold, I have stumbled upon another golden like substance, while it is no good for doubloons I have discovered it is good for smearing around on toast! I call it Oleomargarine!" The knights were so happy as they carried a small plastic (which hadn't been invented yet) tub of it to the king. The king was apprehensive and boomed, "What is this? Are you trying to fool me? This looks like butter." Putting his finger in it, he exclaimed, "TASTES LIKE BUTTER!" The king was outraged, "Off with your heads, you who would deceive your king!"
The knights all cowered and pled with the king, "No, No, go to the alchemist yourself, he will sell it to you for one half of what you were paying for butter!"
The king reluctantly agreed, when he was satisfied that it was true he called another meeting. He again stood and said, "I have no time for these long words such as
"OLEOMARGARINE! I decree that from this day forth this lovely butter substitute
will be called OLEO" and so it was. For as long as the king reigned, thus it was so.
Many years later the king who was old (and fat, from all the oleo) died and his son, King Junior took over the throne. He too called a meeting of all the knights and the court jester and said, "I do not wish to rule as my father did, I want to make some changes, do any of you have any suggestions?" The knights were all silent, finally the court jester spoke up, "I know! Instead of calling oleomargarine, OLEO, let's call it MARGARINE! King Junior was pleased and said, "From this day forth it shall be called MARGARINE and anyone in my kingdom who continues to call it OLEO,
will be held up to ridicule and public shame!" And so this law stands in effect to this day. (See, I just missed that second meeting!)
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