Onions represent the third largest fresh vegetable industry in the United States.
380 semi-truck loads of onions are used in the US each day. Onions are sodium, fat and cholesterol free. Onions provide generous amounts of a flavonoid called Quercetin. Tea and apples also provide Quercetin, but onions have twice as much as tea an three times as much as apples. Quercetin protects against cataracts, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Onions are in the Lily family (and you thought you had strange relatives!)
"I will not move my army without onions!"
.....Ulysses S. Grant
"Onions skins very thin,
mild winter coming in.
Onion skins very tough,
coming winter very rough."
......Old English saying
"For this is every cook's opinion,
No savory dish without an onion;
But lest your kissing should be spoiled,
your onions should thoroughly boiled."
.......Jonathan Swift
"Why is that the poet tells
so little of the sense of smell?
These are the odors I love well:
The smell of coffee freshly ground;
Or rich plum pudding, holy crowned;
or onions fried and deeply browned."
.....Christopher Morley
Be sure to eat onions every day, in salads, soups, sandwiches, casseroles, etc....
I am going to be away for a few days, I am going to my sister's tonight.
The movers are coming tomorrow and she is having a sale Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. See you next week!!
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