Justice for all....
Remember the man in Erie who set his own house on fire to kill his little daughterso he wouldn't have to pay support, he got the death sentence and his mother stillmaintains he is innocent and wants the "Real Killer" found. I am all for standing byyour kids but I think it's time for this mother to wake up and smell that house burningwith her little grandaughter in it. Maybe she and OJ could get together, hire somebounty hunters and get out there and get those "Real" killers. Only God can forgivethis man, (if he wants forgivness) I am not always 110 0/0 for the death penalty, butsometimes..........
Eat your Honey, Honey!
I have been scoffed at for my obssesive attention to detail, my neatness about no-account things, WELL! yesterday I went to "Michaels" and presented my coupon and the cashier said,
"If there was a prize for the neatest coupon, you would get it!" She said she gets a lot of coupons that are just ripped out of the paper and are sometimes all wadded up. So apparently there is no prize for "Coupon Neatness". I clip my coupons neatly ON THE DOTTED LINE!
I guess this is my claim to fame, but if my Mother didn't get post-mortem recognition for Gift-Wrapping her garbage I guess I can't expect "Neatest Coupon Clipper" to show up anywhere in my obituary.My cousin sent me an e-mail about the health benefits of honey, especially honey WITH cinnamon, this should lower CHOLESTEROL.. Mix 1 tsp. of honey and 2 Tablespoons of cinnamon in warm water and drink it for BLADDER INFECTION. A cup of hot water with 2 spoons of honey and a tsp. of cinnamon taken daily will relieve the pain of ARTHRITIS.A tea made with 4 spoons of honey 1 spoon of cinnamon and drank 3-4 times a day will keep your skin fresh and soft and arrests OLD AGE!Every morning and at night before going to bed drink honey and cinnamon in hot water for WEIGHT LOSS.Honey and Cinnamon paste...Use for pimples, skin infections, toothache.Honey and Cinnamon helps stomach upsets, fatigue,and bad breath.I eat whole grain toast with a very light coating of Smart Balance Peanut Butter,Honey and Cinnamon, I am now young, thin and odor-free! (just kidding,but I am working on it!) Don't get the cinnamon-honey spread you find in the store, use pure honey and cinnamon, no added sugar, etc...
I am going to be helping a friend move this week-end so I don't have much time to write, but I just had to share this with you! I found it on the internet and it had such an impact on me.It really shows how much your attitude can affect your life. Here goes....There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror and noticed she had only three hairs on her head."Well", she said,"I think I'll braid my hair today" so she did and she had a wonderful day!The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed she only had two hairs on her head."Hmmm", she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today." and she did and she had a grand day!The next morning she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw she had only one hair on her head."Well", she said, "Today, I am going to wear a ponytail" so she did and it was a fun, fun day!The next day, she got up and looked in the mirror and noticed she didn't have a single hair on her head."Yeah!", she exclaimed, "I don't have to fix my hair today!" I thought that was a powerful message!Wouldn't it be great if we could all adopt that attitude about whatever life throws at us? (it also shows making the most of what you do have, instead of focusing on what you don't have.)
I've gone Bananas!!!
I have been reading about how good bananas are for you, most of us just think of potassium when we think of bananas but they are so good in many other ways.....because bananas have 3 natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose they give a natural boost of energy.Bananas contain tryptophan which is a natural mood booster, it is an a type of protein that converts to Serotonin, which is known to make you relax.Bananas are high in Iron.Bananas boost brain power.Bananas help cure hangovers, I know none of my readers need this tip, but I'm giving it to you,just in case........... Make a banana milkshake with honey, the banana calms the stomach, honey builds up depleted blood sugar levels, the milk soothes and rehydrates your system.Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so they are good for heartburn.Bananas can help you avoid morning sickness. ( I can think of another way to avoid morning sickness!)If you get a mosquito bite, rub the affected area with the inside of a banana skin.Bananas are high in Vitamin B which calms the nervous system.Bananas can help people trying to give up smoking, (Yeah, just try lighting one!)According to some research, eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by 40%BUT! IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO LATEX, YOU MAY WANT TO AVOID BANANAS,THEY CONTAIN SOME OF THE SAME PROTEINS THAT CAUSE THE ALLERY TO LATEX, ALSO, AVOCADOS,CHESTNUTS,KIWIS,PASSION FRUIT, PLUMS, STRAWBERRIES AND TOMATOES. IF YOU HAVE AN ALLERGIC REACTION TO LATEX, ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT THESE FOODS AND OTHERS.That is Scarlett, Nora's youngest at Waldameer
I'm finally back! I was watching Oprah today and she is having a whole week of
"Debt Diet", she has professional debt counselors talking to couples that are hoplessly in debt. Well, anyhoo, there was this one woman who gave her teen-age daughters EVERYTHING even though they could not afford it. The husband said the girls did nothing to earn it, didn't clean their rooms, didn't do dishes, nothing!
The mother said, no matter what, she wasn't going to have the girls "suffer"!
She is so lucky she was talking to Oprah instead of me, I don't think I could have held back from going postal on her. "SUFFER"? Not having $100 jeans, all the latest styles is "Suffering"? Evidently this woman hasn't heard of kids going to bed hungry, going without medical care, etc....etc....She AND her daughters should have to endure just 24 hours of real suffering. Don't you wonder sometimes what world some people live in?We had a nice week-end, I had 3 ladies over to eat on our patio Saturday night and then we went to the pool. Sunday we went to visit the new grandson and Bob's parents. When we got home we watched "Napoleon Dynamite" . If you have any living brain cells, you may want to skip this one. We did laugh a lot but it was sooo silly! Keep checking back, I'll try to keep up, I want to get back to the food series.