Monday Morning

I was reading an article in the paper today about the things little children should know or be able to do before going to kindergarten. number one was social skills and the ability to play well with others, ( I can think of some people who are not eligible yet to be admitted into kindergarten) #2. Color identification (this would disqualify a LOT of men) #3 Ability to dress themselves ( this is a gray area, does it mean merely to get clothed over most of the body OR does it mean to dress well, as no striped shirts with plaid pants or wearing pants that come closer to your knees than to your waist? If so many teen-agers would not eligible for kindergarten registration. #4. Motor skills, such as skipping, jumping and bouncing, HA, show me the kid that would fail this one, according to this my kids were ready for higher education at 18 months. #5. The ability to count to 10, I don't know about the kids, but I bet a lot of MOTHERS learned to count to ten a lot! Not to worry, If your little one falls short (no pun intended) in these categories, They now have PRE-kindergarten.
Not to sound like an OLD PERSON, but when I was six years and 2 months I was thrown into first grade, NO kindergarten and NO pre-kindergarten! No preparation whatsoever!
I just got up one morning, had a stiffly starched dress put on me and my hair pulled into 2 little pigtails so tight they pulled my eyes over to the side of my head and off I went!
The article goes on to say that children enrolled too early could be set up for failure and a child enrolled later could be held back unnecessarily. So it is up to parents to determine if they have a budding Einstein or a little Forrest Gump on their hands. I am SOOO glad I'm an OLD PERSON.
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