Can you believe it???
Is anyone as appalled as I at an article in today's paper??
You know how we are jerked around by new scientific
studies going back and forth on what is "good" for you,
(eggs are bad, eggs are good, caffeine is bad, caffeine is good)
Well, the latest "scientific" discovery has me chewing nails and
spitting rust! On page 10A in the "Erie Times News", the headline
reads, "Study Finds Prayer has No effect on Health of Heart-Surgery
Patients" I don't even know how to begin to address this. It goes on to say, " In the largest scientific test of it's kind, heart surgery patients showed no benefit when strangers prayed for their recovery." "Scientific" study??? I'm glad there weren't "Scientific studies" done when Jesus turned water into wine, what would the "Scientists" had to say about Jesus raising Lazurus from the dead or curing lepers. I could go on and on, but I think you get it.
Once a non-believing doctor stated that although he had done many surgeries, he had never seen a "soul", therefore confirming his belief that we are just bodies and when we die that is it.
Someone asked him, "Doctor, in all of your years treating patients, did you ever "see" a pain?"
(Some things have to be believed to be seen.)