
Monday, September 18, 2006

Household cleaners?

Whassup with these household cleaners that are named after SOUNDS?
KABOOM! and BAM! ???? Are we cleaning our houses or bombing them?
How about KEERACK! for a glass cleaner? I'm all for VAROOM! for car wax.
WHOOSH! toilet cleaner??

Thursday, September 14, 2006

E-Mail forwards

I get a lot of "Forwards" Some are great, useful, thought-provoking, some are jokes
some are pictures, MOST I like but I am here to tell you what I DON'T like...
You know how you get some that are a prayer for friends
or a prayer or support for our troops AND then at the bottom, it says pass this on
to so many people in so many minutes and then you will have "Good Luck" or unexpected money or a phone call. NUMBER ONE, I don't believe in "LUCK"
I believe that all things come from God and and if something good happens to us, it is a "BLESSING" not just luck. I DON"T pass things on that have a good message but then mess it up with some hokey message at the bottom. NUMBER TWO, If I feel moved to pray for someone, I will pray for them without the promise of "good luck" if I do! Prayer isn't a box of Cracker Jacks where you look for the prize at the bottom. I don't need or want to be "rewarded" for talking to God, at least not any reward the internet promises me. To me it seems like if you were in the hospital and your pastor comes in to pray for you, BUT only if you validate his parking! I just can't understand why they mix up a nice message with some hogwash at the bottom. To me, it's as offensive as going to church and putting a lottery ticket in the collection plate. Feel free to pass this on to anyone you wish BUT I will NOT call you at 6 tonight and rest assured I will NOT be sending money and if you choose not to pass it on I will NOT heap
fire and brimstone on you and yours.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Saturday Morning

Last Friday my sister said, "Tomorrow is the White Hall Village Annual Yard Sale!"
My heart skipped a beat, I was THERE! So Saturday morning I got up at the crack of dawn,
actually dawn hadn't even cracked yet. I got ready and waited for it to get light so I could
drive speeding to Girard with no thought for life or limb. So I got to her house and we took off
for the sale, hearts pounding, pulses racing only to find that she had made a mistake, the sale is NEXT week, imagine my disappointment! She apoligized but no amount of apoligies can make up for a let down like that! She owes me a kidney! But, being the kind soul that I am, I didn't call her a "Dumb Bunny" or anything harsh like that. We came back to Erie and shopped at "Ollies" and A.C. Moore, (we both had 40 o/o off coupons) We went to lunch and found a couple of garage sales so all was not lost, but I didn't get the high I normally get spending my children's inheritance a quarter at a time.