
Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I got up early today and got a lot done,
Bob drove me to Marquette and then we came home, I worked on an album. We ate supper and now I am going to read. Does this sound like a boring day or what? Tomorrow I go to see an ENT, I wonder what he will say about my poor ear. I hope he doesn't suggest amputation.
I sure am feeling better today, I have had 4 antibiotic pills and just took my second pain pill
so all is well for the moment. Keep coming back, I hope my news gets newsier.

Monday, February 20, 2006

New Baby

This is Melinda's baby, Ethan's little brother!

Today Bob and I went to the grocery store and The Old Country Buffet, I ate tons of fish and vegetables. Bob took me to A.C. Moore AND Michael's. I did a load of laundry after we got home. Bro-in-law, Denny is home from the hospital. (I have lost ONE pound)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Friday night, my bro-in-law, Denny had to go into the hospital, HH and I went to the hospital to pick up my sister, who rode in the ambulance with him, we brought her home with us and then Saturday morning Bob (HH) took us both back to her house and we did some house cleaning, and then we went to visit Denny and she brought me home. I had long visit with brother Bob. Now it's Sunday and I'm doing some work and then we are going to see a play. Bob made a huge kettle of soup, very good! BUT we will have to eat it FOREVER!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Sarah and Erin

Sarah and Erin In Mexico

I spent the whole day at home, worked on some
pictures. Doing good on my "Eating Plan"
3 whole days now. I'm not feeling hungry.
I just hope I don't get discouraged if I don't see
any weight loss. I'd like to see some pounds falling right on the floor! NOW!!

Windy Day!!

This is my youngest grandchild, Logan, he is 4 now.
It is VERY windy here, I'm glad I can stay in and stay warm!
Ladies out there, think about NOT carrying your purses
everywhere, there have been SOO many purse snatchings!
I lock my purse in the trunk so I have it with me if I need anything but I put my money and my ATM card in my pocket
going to and from stores. When in parking lots, be VERY aware of everyone near you or anyone that seems to be just hanging around, be very careful getting in and out of your car. Yesterday, I took my friend, Pat to the Beauty Shop and we had lunch at Eat and Park, I got the Salad Bar and ONLY ate vegetables! Lots of broccolli and ONIONS! Check back tomorrow!! Byeeee!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wednesday Already?

I wonder what everyone got for Valentine's Day?
HH (handsome hubby) is off today (a little off everyday) He-He
So we are going to grocery shop and maybe go to THE STATION
DINNER THEATER this evening,
I haven't gotten any feedback from anyone, anyone out there?
It looks like it's going to be a nice day today. (Picture from November 1956)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Tuesday

Hi Everyone, Happy Valentine's Day!!
My LS (Little Sister) is coming for lunch
today. She comes and has lunch with me every
Tuesday, it's a good thing because I probably
wouldn't see her that often, she tries to spend
as much time as possible with her hubby who is
battling lung cancer. Everyone say a prayer for him please.
Nothing else planned for today, HH is going to work so I
have all day alone, I think I will play on the 'puter.

Monday, February 13, 2006

This is a rose from the Zaffino Yard,

Won't it be nice when we can see sights like this again?

I am up watching a "Lifetime" movie, which HH calls WIT movies
(Women In Trouble) I also watch HGTV a LOT!!

This is my "little" sister with my grandaughter, Scarlett

who is now five years old.

What does everyone think of the new Crossword puzzle
in the Erie Sunday Paper? Some people have complained
that it is too hard, but the old one was kind of easy, if I can
finish one, I figure it's too easy, but the new one seems hard.
I wish there was something in between. I like to be challenged
but not totally BUFFALOED!

Well, It's Monday and so far nothing to rant about, we got a little more snow, HH, (handsome hubby) has the day off so we will probably visit the library and I have to buy stamps if I am going to mail out any Valentines. We will probably "do lunch". I have to get serious about a diet as I am seriously overweight!
I will keep you posted on my progress.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

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A day away

Well, what do you know, I have nothing to rant about today, but you can be sure there will be something soon!
I went with my daughter and 2 grandaughters to visit my sister overnight, we had a good time talking, eating, (too much) junk food. I am home now, ready to take a long soak to be followed by a long nap and then I'll be ready.......